Preachin's Blog
A little blog from an upstart theologian that will do its best to exemplify Christ while sharing a thing or two along the way.

Friday, May 20, 2005  

Been awhile

Its been awhile since I've posted sincere apologies are conveyed. Things have been going extremely well and I'm thoroughly loving my time here in Atlanta. I just returned from a trip to Louisville, Kentucky. During this meeting we (by we I mean my fellow ministers in residence and I) were able to meet with some wonderful people and visit a church which provided insights. This was a great trip and I benefitted greatly from the things learned and discussed.

One of the more interesting things that I had to think about was during the visit to Southeast Christian Church. This is one of the largest churches in America and runs about 20,000+ on the weekend. They do things well here. It occurred to me that one of the reasons that this church is being "successful" (I don't think numbers determines success) is because they do things well. Not perfectly mind you, but well.

They have certain procedures and directives in place that are both intentional and within their mission statement. They relate to people well and do things well and this breeds continued growth. How do they do things well? Here it is: They allow their people to do the work through service.

Sure a huge church like this (and trust me it's HUGE) could easily hire pros to come in and paint, decorate, and determine the marketting approach for their entire ministry. Yet they let the people do this through a continued culture of intentionality of service and community. This is where our churches need to be. Southeast stresses service (it's one of the things every members is expected to do) and they see their people respond.

I really believe if our churches were more intentional about doing things well and not helf butted we'd be in a better place as the Church. More thoughts later

posted by Preachin Jesus | 9:02 AM
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