Preachin's Blog
A little blog from an upstart theologian that will do its best to exemplify Christ while sharing a thing or two along the way.

Thursday, May 04, 2006  

Congrats to the Memphis Declarers

We have for years needed a resolution expressing out heartfelt expression of repetance for actions within our beloved Southern Baptist Convention. Meeting over Monday and Tuesday of this last week a group of fine Baptist leaders have drawn together just that. The Memphis Declaration (as available from Art Rogers' blog) if a fine read and, I believe, a God glorifying expression of repetance and hope for a new era of cooperation and Kingdom growth in the SBC.

It is good to read Wade Burleson's comments on his blog that reflected the movement of the Spirit of God in this meeting. We need humbled, God given leadership in every one of our churches and church agencies. May God's blessings continue to flow out of this declaration and we see a revival of humbled, broken Kingdom work put forth in our blessed convention.

Have a wonderful National Day of Prayer!

posted by Preachin Jesus | 8:45 AM
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